Explore What’s Possible
It’s one thing to talk about the possibilities of community-based ecosystems of learning, but it’s an entirely different thing to see them in action. What does a child’s day look like? What roles do adults play? What kind of learning is actually going on? How will I know my child is learning? Who is my child learning with?
All of these questions invite the opportunity to imagine new and dynamic ways learning can occur in your community. To get your creative wheels spinning, we’ve produced a series of animated videos set in a not-so-distant future where the supports and structures of community-based ecosystems of learning are alive.

What does a community-based ecosystem of learning make possible in…
Let’s check-in on Chedaya, a 10-year-old who loves being outside and has a particular fascination with ants.
Let’s check-in on Marco, a 14-year-old aspiring artist with interests in business and marine biology.
Let’s check-in on Marco, a 14-year-old aspiring artist with interests in business and marine biology.
Let’s check-in with Li, an 18-year-old who loves architecture and ancient history.
What roles might be possible for local businesses?
When the community is the playground for learning, every adult plays a role. Discover how Krisha, a plant nursery owner, plays her part and the benefits she and her business receive as an active participant in her community’s learning ecosystem.
What might be possible for learning advisors?
In this future for learning, professional educators might find themselves working as learning advisors, content specialists, coaches, mentors, or something yet to be invented entirely. Discover how Rami, a learning advisor with over 15 years of experience working with young people, works with learners and community mentors.